Introducing Day Soda
The DVD extras of Night Water

Today, I'm introducing paid subscriptions to Night Water.
If you enjoy Night Water, and find these weekly posts entertaining, I hope you'll consider becoming a paid subscriber. If you don't, you'll still get a refreshing, late night post in your inbox for free every Tuesday.
Paid subscribers will get exclusive access to a new newsletter called Day Soda featuring bonus and unhinged content sent out sporadically.
Why bring money into this?
As I wrote in my reflection on the first year of writing Night Water, I started this newsletter as a fun forcing mechanism to get me to write every week. But over this last year, I've started to take it more seriously as a publication, and the subscriber base has grown beyond friends and family and now includes many strangers who choose to get my writing delivered to their inbox every week. I've accrued some costs—paying guest writers, buying a domain name, etc.—and would love to accrue some more. My goal for the paid tier is that it grants me some income to invest back into Night Water, which then grows the audience, which leads to more paying subscribers, creating a virtuous cycle of growth that will never, ever end (the Capitalist's Dream).
What is Day Soda?
Paid subscribers will get access to an exclusive newsletter called Day Soda.
Day Soda is like the DVD extras of Night Water. I'll use the space to post additional commentary on Night Water posts, send out collections of good tweets, re-publish guest posts I've written, and other odds and ends.
Day Soda will come out on Thursdays at 11 am eastern. My aim will be to publish one exclusive Day Soda post per month.
How much is this going to cost me?
If you're interested in becoming a paid subscriber, you have three options:
- A monthly payment of $5. This comes out to about a dollar per post, if you include the weekly public posts and Day Soda.
- An annual payment of $50. This is a 16% savings over monthly, gives me some guaranteed cash up front for my operating budget, and grants you the serenity of knowing you'll get Day Soda for a whole year.
- A "Founding Member" annual payment of your choice above $50 (MSRP $100). This is for the true Night Water fanatic who wants to give a donation above the regular price. There are no additional benefits for founding members, other than the warm and fuzzy feeling of supporting Night Water, though that may change in the future.
If you’re already a free subscriber, you can upgrade your subscription to paid by clicking here.
What will my money go towards?
- Guest posts! I've been paying guest writers a small amount of out of pocket, and would like to continue being able to do that. It is important to me to bring in other voices to Night Water and to pay them for their work.
- Fun future projects I can't tell you about yet! I have some ideas for future projects here at Night Water that will require a little money to get going. I think you'll love them. Expect to hear more about the first one later this summer.
- Me, to a lesser extant! It does take me some time to write Night Water every week, so over time it would be nice to make some amount of income, or at least cover my other costs.
What if I don't want to become a paying subscriber?
Completely and totally understandable. Free subscribers will still get one public post every week on Tuesdays at 11 pm, just like you have been.
Thanks for being a Night Water reader and drinker. I really do appreciate every one of you who reads this newsletter. If you have more questions about Day Soda or how subscriptions work, feel free to leave a comment or send me an email at